call for Tutorials
SMARTCOMP is the premier IEEE conference on smart computing. Smart computing is based on the synergistic combination of advances in Sensor-based technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems, Edge cloud computing, Big Data analytics, Machine Learning, Cognitive Computing, and Artificial Intelligence.
The IEEE SMARTCOMP 2021 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials. We will consider tutorials on any topic if the proposal makes a strong argument that such a tutorial serves an important function for the SMARTCOMP community. Tutorials should be of interest to a substantial part of the SMARTCOMP audience and represent a sufficiently mature area of research or practice. Topics include pervasive/ubiquitous computing, edge cloud computing, software defined networking, sensor networks, decision making under uncertainty, IoT, big data analytics, security and privacy, social computing, cognitive computing, cyber-physical systems and their application and validation within smart computing environments (smart buildings, smart cities, smart grids, precision agriculture and other innovations contributing to smart living).
The tutorial proposals should include:
Important Dates
For any information about the tutorials, please contact the Tutorial chairs:
Marco Levorato (UC, Irvine, USA) and Abhishek Dubey (Vanderbilt University, USA)
The IEEE SMARTCOMP 2021 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials. We will consider tutorials on any topic if the proposal makes a strong argument that such a tutorial serves an important function for the SMARTCOMP community. Tutorials should be of interest to a substantial part of the SMARTCOMP audience and represent a sufficiently mature area of research or practice. Topics include pervasive/ubiquitous computing, edge cloud computing, software defined networking, sensor networks, decision making under uncertainty, IoT, big data analytics, security and privacy, social computing, cognitive computing, cyber-physical systems and their application and validation within smart computing environments (smart buildings, smart cities, smart grids, precision agriculture and other innovations contributing to smart living).
The tutorial proposals should include:
- Title of the tutorial
- Duration (half or full day)
- Contact information of the presenter(s), including name, email, and affiliation
- Short biography of the organizer(s)
- Description of the potential target audience for the tutorial
- List of speakers
- Past history of the tutorial event
- Virtual-only tutorial plan
- Proposals will be evaluated based on the general interests to the SmartComp participants, quality of the proposal and expertise of the presenters. If accepted, the tutorial organizers are required to provide a website that will contain links of the tutorial materials to the chairs one month prior to the conference, with preliminary content that will be used in calls for participation. It will not be possible to host tutorials that require laboratory or PC access for the audience (no mandatory “hands-on” tutorials). The conference organizers reserve the right to cancel a tutorial if too few attendees are registered.
Important Dates
- Proposal Submission Registration Deadline: 10 June 2021
- Proposal Acceptance Notification: 30 June 2021
- Submission of camera-ready deadline: 01 July 2021
For any information about the tutorials, please contact the Tutorial chairs:
Marco Levorato (UC, Irvine, USA) and Abhishek Dubey (Vanderbilt University, USA)